Help modifing models

John Wolf
11-22-2004, 05:21 PM
here is the thing, i want to use Splinter's slevees in every model i have to make it consistent, but i have no idea how, i decompiled the models and replaced the sleves file, but after compilation they are not in the right place...... :(

Is there any easy way to do it??, or if u could tell me the basics of what i should do, ill try to handle it :)

11-22-2004, 05:35 PM
You have to get the .smd of the associated sleeve texture and put it in there too. You also have to modify the line in your .qc file.


$bodygroup "sleeve"
studio "us_sleevescale"
studio "brit_sleevescale"
studio "axis_sleevescale"

You have to decomp a model that has Splint's sleeves on it, take the sleeve and it's .smd and put it with the other decompiled bits of the modle you're modifying. Then modify the .qc (1st line is for US, 2nd Brits, 4rd Axis) to match then name of the .smd of the sleeve. Recompile. Should be it.

John Wolf
11-22-2004, 05:52 PM
yeah, thats what i did, all that semmed quite logic, but the thing is the sleves are not in the ritght place, for example the right sleeve cliped with the right hand......

11-22-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by John Wolf
yeah, thats what i did, all that semmed quite logic, but the thing is the sleves are not in the ritght place, for example the right sleeve cliped with the right hand......

that means that the skeletons are different. You'd have to do it the other easy way by using Milkshape 3D ( and importing it over the reference and then assigning it to the correct bone :kitty:

John Wolf
11-22-2004, 06:19 PM
And how do i know wich is the correct bone?? :confused:

ill mess around with the program to se if i can pull it of :)

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