good compiling decompiling prog?

09-01-2004, 01:51 PM
can somebody tell me a good (free) de-/compiling program?
most of the times i try to compile something with MS3D something goes terribly wrong and the model gets deformed somehow, although i am pretty sure that i did everything right when modifying the model....

iīve already read something about Jedīs compiler, is it somehow attached to the modelviewer (a plugin)? i never looked through this stuff, so i ask u to help me...

09-01-2004, 02:09 PM
have you tried using 'krastos half-lfie mdoel decompiler' in the tools menu? thsi is the one i use and they are fine.

i think the other ones under half-life are not as good, and these may be what you are using.

Trp. Jed
09-01-2004, 03:36 PM
I think Kratisto's decompiler that works as part of MS3D is the best one - I've heard there are problems with the DOS version.

I did ask Kratisto about getting hold of the source so I could write a decompiler straight into HLMV but he never got back to me.

As for my compiler - its just a Windows front end to the standard DOS studiomdl.exe compiler which saves you having to open a command prompt and putz around if you dont know how to use a command line.

09-02-2004, 10:06 AM
hey thx iamdoydy and jed, i actually never checked the toolbar for useful tools :rolleyes:, i guess i should have done this first, but itīs only a decompiler, does this mean the compiling with MS3D works fine and the errors are just happening when i decompile?

well i will check it out now and have a look at ur compiler, too, jed.

thx for the help!

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