tutorial: blowing up models with bazooka

04-27-2003, 12:40 AM
Ok, first of all, there are many other ways to do this but i know a lot of you mappers want to use this and this actually worked for me so:

entities to use:
2x env_model
4x env_render
1x multimanager
1x func_breakable
1x env_explosion

first let set up the env_model

this is the intact one, i'll use an 88 for this:
name: 881 (to trigger it to the multimanager and env_render)
modelname: 88flak.mdl

now we take the 2nd env_model
this is the destroyed one
name: 882 (to trigger it to the multimanager and env_render)
modelname: 88flak_destroyed.mdl

now let's set up the env_render

the 1st env_render for the intact one:
target: 881
render mode: normal
fx amount: 0

the 2nd env_render for the destroyed one:
target: 882
render mode: texture
fx amount: 0

the 3rd env_render for the intact one to disapear:
name: render3 (to trigger it to the multimanager)
target: 881
render mode: texture
fx amount: 0

the 4th env_render to make the destroyed one appear:
name: render4 (to trigger it to the multimanager)
target: 882
render mode: normal
fx amount: 0

the func_breakable, use this to clip your intact model. Use the {blue texture from your halflife.wad:

target on break: multi1 (to trigger the multimanager)
material type: metal
explode magnitude: fill in a number: i suggest 100
render mode: solid
render fx: 255 (to make it transparent and not viewable)

check flags: bazooka only

env_explosion (to make an explosion)
name: expl1 (to trigger it)
explode magnitude: 100

multi manager:
name: multi1

now turn on smart edit and fill in these numbers manualy
key: expl1 value: 0
key: render3 value: 0
key: render4 value: 0

well, this should do, it did with me, offcorse there are other ways but this is just my way so enjoy it ;)

04-27-2003, 01:11 AM
just to clean up your entity #'s you dont need to use env_renders to set the normal apperance of the models. just set it in the entity and use env_renders to alter it. ( i wouldnt bother typing this cept for the fact HL has entity limits and a couple here and there add up to a lot.)

04-27-2003, 01:56 AM
Why go through all that complicated mess when you can just tie the rep models to the obj entity . . .

04-27-2003, 02:35 AM
because in this case it isn't a obj

04-29-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Quakah
Ok, first of all, there are many other ways to do this but i know a lot of you mappers want to use this and this actually worked for me

somebody got a copy of DoD 2 to test bazookas with already? drool....

04-29-2003, 02:05 PM
*Sigh* I just made that tutorial except with the flag ticked on: bazooka only. So when i shoot with a weapon it gives the same effect as if you'd do the same with the bazooka. Dificult he?

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