The UNCOLA-can grenades

07-31-2004, 11:01 AM
This was the first can-grenade made in the series. I had to bribe Karma with it to get him to make the can model. This is designed for those soldiers fortunate enough to have lived past their 21st birthday. If you have the Pacific Theater Conversion for DOD, we made sure to model all the players as 21-years and older, I am not sure how old the player models are for the Official models.

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Anavel Gato
08-01-2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by BillyNair
I am not sure how old the player models are for the Official models.

i think some of those guys lied to the draftboard...i know for sure the grease gunner is atleast 16 but looks 18

08-01-2004, 02:17 PM
*want a beer*?

08-02-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by CrazyTalk
i think some of those guys lied to the draftboard...i know for sure the grease gunner is atleast 16 but looks 18 My aunts husband lied about his age to get in, we made ti to special forces, jumped behind lines in D-Day, did special ops in WW2 and Korea. I knew him from before I was born, but I never had anyidea he was in the army until he had a 21-gun salute at his funeral, then my aunt said, "Oh yeah, he had TONS of cool stories to tell"
well DAMN, I never knew ! !!!! !
He also trained with Bruce Lee, all this stuff and I didn't know until AFTER he died. They watched my son from the time he was born until now, and I had more than a few opporotunities to talk to him about stuff, I just never knew to ask.

bah, anyway, yeah, if your characters are of the legal age, you may download these grenades and let them have a go.

08-05-2004, 02:00 PM
The can could use a few more polys....

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