[WIP] 1.2 Kar43 with Bayonet

05-31-2004, 06:05 PM
Here's a WIP of the bayonet Kar43 for 1.2. However, I request a good animator to help out with the clipping and origin fixes of the bayonet animation. I won't release it until the bayonet animations are fixed and proper Pee Wee models are made for it too.

This is a preview of what it looks like. It has Dillinger's skin (but I will make a Splinter version as well) and somebody's custom spade model (Editor gave it to me, so if it's yours claim it) which I hackjobbed on with a sling.

Comments? My first MSA preview w00t. :D

05-31-2004, 06:18 PM
not bad mate, not bad at all. Me likes.
I'd like to see preferably a different bayo though, but nothing comes to the top of my head for a replacement.

OH! And me <3 the strap.

05-31-2004, 06:30 PM
yeah bayo would be nice since the real k43s were too weak to be used to club people in the heads.

05-31-2004, 08:12 PM
k, i fixed the animations, now all i need is a pic of the correct placement for the bayonet :\. Oh and i think i'll ditch the sling 'cause it doesn't look right w/o it being animated for this one :(

05-31-2004, 08:21 PM
sounds great, ill be using this one :)

cant see the k43 being used to club some1, just doesnt seem right :D

06-01-2004, 02:05 AM
IRL the k43 didnt have a bayo lug so no bayo could be attached.

Plus the sling attaches to a loop on the left of the rifle on the front band

06-01-2004, 02:35 AM
looks great but im not sure if the bayonet is attached proper ?

i prefer Rommels skin but i can put his skins on it myself - here is a pic anyway :http://dodec.hlgaming.com/images/k43_by_r0mm3l.jpg

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