Skinning hows

05-06-2004, 04:55 PM
OK, I have a question for clothing skins.

First off, how do you get your skin to be transparent over a mesh or your mesh to glow over your skin?

Secondly, how do you make folds with clothing or skins in Photoshop 7.0?
05-07-2004, 01:23 AM
i think i can awnser some of ya questions

about the tranparent, wot u wont tranparent on your model
needs to be 255 blue, 255 green or 255 red. it can allso be black.
then write in your qc file:

for tranparent:
$texrendermode "thenameofyaskin.bmp" "masked"

for additive:
$texrendermode "thenameofyaskin.bmp" "additive"

here is a link to VERC ( about transparency in models

and now about the cloth
i think it was mortar who gave this trick
go google cloth
then find some cloth that fits the kind of skin u are making
make it black and white, and contrast it
then change the tranparency so u can see ur skin with the folds

if u cant get it to work, i allways use the burn and dogde tool
and make the folds my self.

05-07-2004, 04:28 PM
Thanks for the free credit but it wasn't me ;p

I think it was jed.

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