the ultament blood pack

04-28-2004, 06:16 PM
hey i have a alsome ideabut i dont know if it will work LOL well here it is useing the blood-naroew.spr can u redo that and have it all bloody but with SMALL pices of flesh added in there some how? like u know on saving private ryan at the begining when thay are landing on omaha and the mg42s are shooting them in the higgins boad and the bit of the blood that cam out but with the pices og flesh in there to? well im just asking if it can be done IF SO PLEASE MAKE IT :)

Cpl. Entek
04-28-2004, 07:24 PM
Erm, what are you suggesting?

BLood packs need to be kinda coded in or they dont really work properly...

04-29-2004, 05:20 AM
well u know on saving privet ryan on d-day when thay are in the boats and the door dropes down the MGs are wasting them but if u look good there is blood but in the blood there is bits of flesh mixed in there so i was woundering if u can take the blood and add something in it to look like bits some something other then just blood like all the other blood packs i dont know if the is a pic out there but let me look. :)

04-29-2004, 08:00 AM want it that morbid?:confused:
04-29-2004, 09:08 AM
well i know wot u mean
there is a lot things i would like to change about dod
but well i cant, and a new blood fx is one of the things
but wot u demand takes more than a new sprite to work
( or should i say: to look good )
if u could (i know the dev team can) make small pices of
flesh (like then a nade explotes small pices of ... stuff flyes around ya) to "blow" out of your back. and in the same time
play a sprite with blood

like this:

04-29-2004, 10:27 AM
i have another idea :
the deafult model has this helmet and hair smd ,
u only see the hair smd when the helmet / hat was blown away.
what u can do is : the head smds are open on the top , now u can remove the hair smd and put gore into the head - now if the helmet flies away u can see into the open brain of the soldiers

here is a pic what i mean
04-29-2004, 11:47 AM
yeeewwww ......

but its realitic ..

04-29-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Nordvolk
the deafult model has this helmet and hair smd ,
u only see the hair smd when the helmet / hat was blown away.
what u can do is : the head smds are open on the top , now u can remove the hair smd and put gore into the head - now if the helmet flies away u can see into the open brain of the soldiers

I thought about doing that back when I made my Cobra Soldier Para pack, but decided to go a less "Night of the Living Dead" route... Sure a blown apart head looks nice IF the player dies at the same time... Sometimes a hit to the head doesn't result ina kill.. It only knocks the helmet off... So it would look odd for a player to be running around with his brain exposed to that extent, and not be 6 feet under... That's why I went with a lesser degree of gore by putting textured head trauma on the player model that could be either a fatal shot or simply a flesh wound...


04-30-2004, 05:11 AM
hey but cant u just take the blood.spr and put like dark spots in it or some thing? and the brain thing is a cool idea but i goes bake to what Effexx said if the helmet come off but no kill then it would look messed LOL
04-30-2004, 05:45 AM
i hate that they removed the bleed content
it was a great idea, and realistic too

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