Compiling problem

03-10-2004, 10:22 AM
For awhile now, I've been busy on a map. For this map I used textures from a self-compiled WAD-file, with textures from official dod_maps. Everything went just great, untill now.

This is the problem;
When I start compiling, nothing goes wrong, dod starts and I can choose wich side I want to be on. I have only one info_player_allies placed, so I choose the allies. From the moment the map starts, I notice a slight flickering in the screen, just like texture clipping, If you know what I mean. Then between 3-12 seconds I can look around the map, Alltough its unusually shocky and flickering screen. Then the screen holds and the PC crashes.
The strange thing is that the compiler does it's work fine, the map is completely compiled and the compile log does not give any error...

Here are some specifications of my map:

Entity report:
4 x env_model
10 x func_illusionary
1 x func_wall
1 x info_player_allies
8 x light
1 x light_envoirement

Map info:
Solids : 503
Faces: 2976
Point entities: 14
Solid entities: 11
Unique entities: 60
Texture memory: 7,42 MB (two WADS are used)

Well, I hope I gave a good image of my situation.
Thanks in advance,


03-10-2004, 10:25 AM
I have had that problem before too, and I could never figure it out. For the best I can tell, there are stable builds and unstable builds. Sometimes that would happen to me, and I would add to the map, then the next compiled version ran fine. Doesn't make any sense to me.

03-11-2004, 01:26 AM
I've also had this ... can't remember what was causing it.

In the mean time ...

If you use Hammer to compile the map, make sure you only have one version of the same map open.

(I dunno if that was my problem, or yours, but check it out ... just in case.)

03-11-2004, 05:35 AM
I've been busy with some research now, and I've found the problem. It was a invalid brush wich was not detected by hammer. It looked suspiciously, so I removed it and ran the map again, this time nothing was mallfunctioning.
By the way, I use Zoner's Half-Life Tools to compile my maps.

Thanks for your replies Jello_Biafra and haircut,


If you would like to see a screenshot of the map I was having problems with, download my atachement (800 x 600).

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