Sprite that plays when wall is hit???

02-09-2004, 11:30 PM
Im sorry, Im a regular here and I know this isnt the right forum, HOWEVER, my question was never answered in either the MSA or Mapping forums, as well as numereous persons through IM's. So without further ado, I have brang it to the almighty "general" forum to resolve my questoins:

1. What are the names of the generic wall hit sprites, I'm assuming its shot_dust_#.spr, but no one has 100% been sure of it. No, im not refering to the black particle fx that bounce everywhere.

2. Can these sprites be replaced with a larger custom one?

3. Thank you for answering with a definate response not: I dont know, or good question, or maybe, or Ill ask such and such.

4. Please wait to move this question to MSA until answered, ty.

Grudgingly resorting to posting in the wrong forum,


02-10-2004, 06:43 AM
Deliberately posting in the wrong forum can earn you a ban, are you not aware of this?

Why don't you just get a sprite viewer (http://www.fraggerland.net/downloads/sprviewer.zip) and look through all of them?
It should be evident which is the one you're looking for.
If you've found the right one, you can of course replace it with any sprite you like (particular rules may apply).

Oh, and *MOVED* to MSA.

Don't wanna see you doing this again, alright?

02-10-2004, 12:21 PM
large_smoke_01_ind.spr and puff.spr

I don't know why there are two of them (maybe the one is played very short and the other is the long smoke or something like that)

02-10-2004, 06:24 PM
I know why...

There are three puff.spr sprites which are laid one after the other, and then the large_smoke_01_ind.spr sprite makes the farthest part of the dust from the wall. I WAS working on an awesome replacement sprite, but I stopped. Maybe I should finish it?

02-10-2004, 07:19 PM
I have yet to see ANY custom wall hit sprites, defineately finish them.

Ive scoured the net's custom sprite areas and couldnt find anything. It seems only the sand and water sprites have been done.

...and FYI I do have spriteview, maker, etc. I wouldnt be asking here if I was sure I knew what they were.

02-11-2004, 12:06 PM
Here the one i use

Credits: Ikujinonai

Looks really great.

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