Need Help!

01-19-2004, 04:43 PM
Ok, ive got a half life gun that i want to use to replace the MP40. i've done this before.. i know how to rename etc.. edit the qc file so it all works.. and that kinda stuff, but usually for the skin for the sleeve textures i just put a type of cloth.. so it looks OK not GREAT tho... i want to replace the half life hands and sleeves with DOD hands and sleeves... how would i do this? I use milkshape mostly... pleez lemme know!!

01-20-2004, 04:34 AM
anyone feel likfe helpin?! strider might now..

01-20-2004, 08:26 AM
you can get a regular model's reference.smd, then delete all the bones and err..everything besides the hands and sleeves. Then save it. Then open your half life model's ref or whatever and merge with the arm/sleeve file. Then all you have to do is (correct me if i'm wrong :-\) rotate and move the arms the exact position the half life hands were and ressign the hand/arm bones :-\

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