DOD Map Analysis

01-10-2004, 10:39 PM
Hello all,

I'd like to present my DOD Map Analysis (DODMA) webpage, and Gu's DOD Blog.

DOD Map Analysis (

Gu's DOD Blog ( (Yes I'm Gu, will change forum name soon :) )

What is DODMA? ------
"DOD Map Analysis's (DODMA) purpose is to provide constructive criticism of DOD's stock and custom maps. Hopefully, the map authors of the maps will find the suggestions reasonable and implement them in future versions of the map.

I play DOD quite a bit, and feel I have a good sense of why players come to despise certain maps while enjoying others. Sometimes, maps are designed in such an overall way that most players just cannot approve it. But usually, most maps are of satisfactory quality for players, but there are often specific areas of the map that can cause major frustration amongst players. Since map design is lenghty and complicated work, it is often impossible for a map author to consider drastic changes to his map after its initial completion. DODMA's goal is to offer map authors possible solutions that will maintain the map's primary design while improving gameplay."

The first map analysis is of Dod_Switch, with pics, numbers and boxes and stuff :)
DODMA will also accept 3rd-party analysis, so if you host your own webpage and pictures, I'll link to you.

The DOD Blog will also link to important map opinions that appear on various forum threads. I think DODMA could be a decent place for new DOD mappers who are looking for ideas on what to avoid when they make maps, as well. (Assuming you agree with what I criticize in the first place.)

I'll be trying to popularise and highlight the custom map scene in general too, so that all the hard work you guys do here gets much more appreciated :) Custom map ratings will definately be on there too, in some form

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