DoD_Hedgerow, DoD_Ouitz, and DoD_Bunker...

Captain Higgins
05-05-2003, 01:29 AM
The three maps I looked most forward to playing when the first screenshots of beta 4.0, now version 1.0, started trickling out into the publics hands.

Hedgerow was a tactical masterpiece, one of the most immersive maps in beta 3.1. Now it's gone to somewhere the likes of Valley, Seg3, and other greats maps from the past.

DoD_Bunker, which I played in 4.0 beta testing, was one of the most outstanding maps in the release. The atmosphere was spot on, and it offered a different type of map to the DoD audience than what had been seen to date. Again, gone... Not quite sure why. Screenshots below:

Lastly, Para_Ouitz... One of the most visually stunning maps I had ever seen in DoD, which I surely thought would be in version 1.0... Here are some screenshots:

Again, not to be found.

Where have all these wonderful maps gone? Are these our incentive to buy DoD retail?

05-05-2003, 02:05 AM
Good question.

As of right now, none of these maps are planned for inclusion as part of the retail release on May 6, 2003. The additional maps included in retail are IR's dod_merderet and my map dod_vicenza. The three maps you speak of may be included in future patch releases to the 1.0 mod/retail release, however specific map releases have not been decided on yet for the future.

As always, more maps get tested than actually get included. One thing to note, it is obvious we have a lot of great maps to chose from for the future, so anything is possible.


Mr. Me
05-05-2003, 02:22 AM
well, i dont remember where, but i have downloaded dod_merderet and dod_vicenza yesterday, vicenza is fun running around blowing up jeeps and merderet is basicly ramelle with some small tweaks and new textures, nothing extreemly new to the gameplay. the point is, if u brose trough ur dod folder ul notise there are some things left like sprites of dod_bunker and dod_vicenza also ul find the groovy jeep model of vicenza and the nice lookig tiger of merderet. i cant find a lot of hedgerow tough, i hope som1 will reselease all maps.

05-05-2003, 02:43 AM
Kamikazi the maker of ouitz told on IRC that the gameplay of ouitz sucked, so he discontinued the project. We'll probably never see it again :(

05-05-2003, 02:47 AM
omg, I think I'm gonna cry :(

05-05-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by flox
Kamikazi the maker of ouitz told on IRC that the gameplay of ouitz sucked, so he discontinued the project. We'll probably never see it again :(

I think ouitz started out as dod_seg4 (sequal to dod_seg3)

I would live to have dod_seg back...

05-05-2003, 04:27 PM
Kami is just being modest. He never really takes alot of credit for his maps. He deserves alot of credit. His maps are more single player missions that you get to play online with your buddys than deathmatch (excluding seg1).

I was looking forward to dod_bunker alot. It looks great, the write up sounds good, unfortunatly I am not a beta tester and have not tried it. Was still looking forward to it none the less.

Making hedgerow a day map completely changes it, but I was expecting to see it again. It was a fun map, it just didn't see much server time because of the para gameplay.

Be nice if I was a beta tester, I would love to experience these maps.

05-05-2003, 04:43 PM
No, seg4 did not become ouitz, kami said they were 2 different maps.

05-05-2003, 04:52 PM
i was really looking foward to ouitz

05-05-2003, 04:54 PM
A little off-topic but how did you become a beta tester?

I to was looking forward to dod_bunker. You can still find the textures for it in the narby.wad I think some low fps CQB would be more fun than watching a slideshow in some of the new and graphically intensive maps. Also, hedgerow was a great deal of fun, it was layed out like a the Norman country-side perfectly, just look at the old overview.


05-05-2003, 05:39 PM
*off topic*
plato when is crossroads being released or new screens comin out?

05-05-2003, 06:59 PM
Hedgerow was THE BEST.

05-05-2003, 07:46 PM
I recall seeing Seg4 pictures, and it looked really interesting, hope that project is still under way.

05-05-2003, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by xer0
*off topic*
plato when is crossroads being released or new screens comin out?
offtopic, this summer, when school is out

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