[mreq] is this possible? old animations

05-04-2003, 09:22 PM
the new models (defaults) with the old animations for runnign and crouching and what not..possible :D?

05-05-2003, 12:10 AM
As long as they have the same skeleton. You'll have to check for me. I'm too tired right now to check.

05-05-2003, 02:23 AM
While we're at it, maybe you could check if we could use the Distant Sounds from the late 3.1 stages. Although it's been said that it was an error that allowed it and it's been fixed, I still hope......cause I beautiful as the richocet sounds and debris are, it still needs those distant cracks for rifles and autos in the background.....

Either way, off topic, if you could re-implement some of the old player animations tell us!! I want to put back my old "die_simple" animation where the player is knocked backwards in a slight twirl, as opposed to the standard drop to you knees animation....

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