Map Release: para_raiders

05-04-2003, 10:41 AM
UPDATED 5/5/03: New mirrors

Here you go...adding mirrors as they become available...thanks guys...I really appreciate it

Sorry...left out the environmental sky on some of the d/l above:

Either d/l the sky if you've already d/l the map or d/l the map file at invasionworks or fileplanet because I updated the zip to include the sky on those sites.

It's a really small experimental death-match style-of-play map that I thought might garner some interest from the guys out here that like the para maps. I have no idea how the game flows or if it's even or lop-sided...I really never had the chance to do any large-scale consider this the beta test

BTW...I have a small scoring don't get any points for blowing up the tanks (at least I don't think so)'s no big deal though (only 5 objective points and they do not factor in the map scenario or outcome...just there for the coolness factor) and I'll make those changes a bit from now after I get feedback on the playablity

05-04-2003, 10:57 AM
wow nice map but i mean "para" ? :confused:

05-04-2003, 10:58 AM
Sweet work man, I can't wait to try it out. :D

05-04-2003, 11:05 AM
Nice work man :) Downloading now.

05-04-2003, 11:32 AM
downloading that and bridge 2, i never knew it came out, damn my busy life, damn it to hell!!

05-04-2003, 11:35 AM
i downloaded para_raiders @

the map looks kinda good BUT
the sky is missing in the .zip-file or is it normal to have the default halflife sky in your map?!

05-04-2003, 11:36 AM
Mirror up at:

05-04-2003, 11:51 AM
Just ran through the map, I really like the atmosphere and design. It looks quite nice, and I'm eager to see how it plays.

05-04-2003, 12:00 PM

click Hae tiedosto

enviromental map missing?

05-04-2003, 02:33 PM
Added mirror too (

05-04-2003, 03:43 PM

05-04-2003, 05:02 PM
Another winner from Fuzzdad. Someone should setup a 24/7 server for this.

Hulk Bogan
05-04-2003, 06:15 PM
A 24/7 server with HLDS


If you mean 24 times a day in 7 minute increments...that can be done...but there's no way this thing's running 24 hours a day 7 days a week...

Sorry...I'm a server op that is VERY frustrated...

But yes...this map is really cool...

05-05-2003, 06:04 AM

Band of Sisters
05-05-2003, 05:03 PM

We are currently running it on Kustom Kettle #2. We are also holding a poll on what you think about the map. Stop by our forums and tells what you think! :D

05-05-2003, 08:22 PM
Mirror: Click Me!!!!!!!! ( - :o

Im gonna stop by kustomkettle later and check the map out, looks like fun. Anyway, it does look very nice so good work! Enjoy the mirror


**EDIT** I downloaded this from invasion so it should have the sky. :)

05-05-2003, 11:08 PM
Fuzzdad, there appears to be a "bush" in this map you use in dod_glider also. You have it on the path to the radar and bunker in glider and in here it is at the end of the path by the tank.

Is that a model or a brush? I have been trying to search through all the models to find it. I also can't find the texture in wally for it if it's a brush.

Keep in mind i'm not talking about the arc_bush.mdl. It appears to be a bigger version in glider.

05-06-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by ender
Fuzzdad, there appears to be a "bush" in this map you use in dod_glider also. You have it on the path to the radar and bunker in glider and in here it is at the end of the path by the tank.

Is that a model or a brush? I have been trying to search through all the models to find it. I also can't find the texture in wally for it if it's a brush.

Keep in mind i'm not talking about the arc_bush.mdl. It appears to be a bigger version in glider.

I think it's the ouitz has several sub_groups. Take a look at it in hlmv

05-06-2003, 05:32 AM
Mirror'ed at:

Amerabyte DoD Resource Pages (

Just goto the Maps section :)

(And feel free to check out the images for a new map I'm working on (my First, and very early in design)

05-08-2003, 12:23 PM
clickage (

Sorry it took so long to mirror, we had some problems :(

Very good job FuzzDad, the best 1.0 custom map so far (well, there are 5 or 6 to choose from, lol)

05-08-2003, 01:39 PM
Question: What are the piats and shreks good for? Other than the tanks, I haven't noticed anything else that's blastable.

05-08-2003, 01:52 PM
In case you want to play a all-zooka contest...but...a direct hit does kill...and you can use them to blast through windows and create panic in the hearts of the

I also figured that since very few people play para maps I could get a bit of a hook if I had windows that broke, barrels that blew up (can be tactically used to your advantage...they are 200 health), tanks that blew up...mortars to whack AFK...and those God-Loving Brits all in one other words...blind-em with bull**** to get a few more people to play para...LOL

05-08-2003, 02:07 PM
Ahhh... windows and barrels.... gotcha. Love the map man. The mortar strikes.... best idea for para maps ever. Suggestions: make more stuff blastable, like those closed windows, some walls, etc. And maybe give some points for blasting the tanks? Again, love the map :D


05-08-2003, 02:35 PM
Actually...and I'm embarrassed to admit I couldn't quite get the scoring to work are supposed to get an additional 5 points for the tanks...I screwed something up there...but I figured that if I actually got a lot of people to play it I could then justify more time to fix that...

I can't really make too much more blastable without adding entities and stuff...and although the map is small...the entity count is HUGE...

Each window= func_breakable: Nice window pane
env_render: When window is broken it fires..
func_illusionary: busted window pane

Each barrel = env_model: Barrel model
func_breakable: Invis metal square that fires (when broken)
env_render: renders out the barrel model and
env_shooter: shoots one barrel model as a gib

Each light = env_model: light model
spotlight: The actual light
sprite: glow sprite

Those three "things" add probably 200-250 entities all by themselves...let alone the scoring ents, the tanks, the weapons, smokestacks, the tree's, the tables...etc, etc. So...small in scale...large in entity use.

05-08-2003, 09:48 PM
Very very very nice map, good job!

05-08-2003, 10:09 PM
FD, i changed the URL,

love the map, just wish i could find somewhere that playes it regularly

btw, do you know a good tutorial that shows how to make a sky?

German Killa
05-09-2003, 01:53 AM
i add a mirror on (

Map is running on our second server. DodMaps World [OwP] #2 - Custom Maps

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