A little help needed :-)

10-14-2003, 03:00 PM
hey guys, on my current map dod_brucke at the allied spawn, which is inside of a simple brush based plane, i attempted to make it so that the allies cannot leave until a certain amount of time expired to simulate travel to the DZ (drop zone)

this time gives the german team enough time to setup their defenses and await their opponents, now i have func_wall_toggles on the exits of the plane targeted to dissapear when a certain time runs out which a multi controls, you see the wall toggles never block the player in the first place, and the "please wait" message serves no purpose, and also when a team wins, the anthem song plays a little late and displays no message as to whom won the battle, could these few things be explained? if this can work right then i can just finish the rest of the brushwork and flags, and the map is ready for playtesting

thanks in advance

10-14-2003, 03:55 PM
ok i got most of those worked out myself so far

heres whats left problem-wise

if you join the allied team after joining the axis team first (alone on a server) the doors of the plane dont open and the message to wait doesnt display, also i set the game time at 35 minutes, but the round ends at 5 minutes all by itself

now if i can be told what to do then i will finish the map and we will all have a merry little playtest (on won not steam) :D

thanks once again, in advance :p

10-14-2003, 09:24 PM
Just make it so that once it opens it is open until it is reset at the round end. Or do I not get what you are doing...


10-14-2003, 11:21 PM
to stop the round ending early you need to turn off the option "use inbuilt timer" in your info_doddetect.

as for the door, just have it slide back, looks better anyway than it just disapearing. then u KNOW its out of the way.

as for the messages check your flag setups. get some freinds and LAN test it or something.

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