DOD Customisation pack

05-03-2003, 01:16 PM
Couldn't really work out where to post this so mods feel free to shift it if necessary. Basically I've put into one pack a load of modifications to make DOD 1.0 more comfortable to use for the old timers from previous versions.

I've put the old gunfire sounds back in, found some better sounds for british guns, put in a nice bright red dot crosshair, a bit of config file help and tips, removed the mini map and now main map is just used instead (script), there is also a few other scripts, a customised command menu and a replacement console image.

This pack is designed mostly for my fellow clan =BA= British-Airborne but very little in it is customised for us. I've also put in replacement scopes and some other general sounds have replacements.

There are also new win wavs for each country, dad's army or rule brittania for brits, for US it's "glory glory" and a nice german marching song for the krauts.

All in all there should be something for everyone. I'm intending to regularly update this pack and add more choice in it for people as I find more suitable items. I'll also add in replacemnet models when they becaome available

BA DOD Customisation Pack (

05-03-2003, 01:29 PM
shouldn't this be in the sound forum?? Alot of sounds and a few sprites....

Not that i won't use some of it... ill be checking it all out ingame, see how it fits and so on

Thnxs for this

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