Russian and British models

08-30-2003, 05:34 PM
Not for DoD, but CoD. If we get the models and sounds for the weapons, we could add more weapons into the game. Seeing as the DoD msa community is one of the best, I'd think it appropriate for here. For more information, check the pak0.pk3 file in the CoD demo under xmodels. Skins are dds.

08-30-2003, 05:41 PM
i think it would take less time to wait for the full game than modeling new models in it. its just a SP demo.

if you mean for the retail game, it does contain british, american, german and russian models.

08-30-2003, 06:00 PM
True, but it's an open source demo, there's pretty much nothing we can't figure out how to do.

08-30-2003, 06:49 PM
It's not open-source, most (if not all) quake 3 based games have their data compressed in pk3 files, which're just like Half-Life's PAK files. So basically it's a zip file with the game's models, sounds, etc. Just because you can open a pk3 file doesn't mean that you can open models and change them nor does it mean you can hack in new weapons. Models require plugins or converters to import/export them into COD's native format. So asking for THIS right NOW is a bit really unrealistic.

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