Could somebody please fix this for me?

Lt. Firmalo
07-28-2003, 01:40 AM
Hey guys I finished my Panzergrenadier Lehr-Regiment a week ago but then I noticed that the models I asked Flamm to assemble for me has a little glitch. I PMed him twice about it last week but he doesn't seem to check his PM box anymore or he's sick of me :D I would wait for him but I really want to get this over with and release this. See screenie below, if you think you can fix this please tell me so I can send you the model :)

Joe Anderson
07-28-2003, 01:57 AM
hmmmm looks like a point assigned to the wrong bone. I'd have to see the model in MS3D or Max to figure out whats going on.


Lt. Firmalo
07-28-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Joe Anderson
hmmmm looks like a point assigned to the wrong bone. I'd have to see the model in MS3D or Max to figure out whats going on.


Do you have MSN messenger, yahoo or ICQ? I'll send 'em over. Please halp me :)

07-28-2003, 11:02 AM
It's an error you see sometimes with Milkshape. It'll sometimes delete a face from the model under certain conditions. Haven't done a whole lot in MS3d lately though so I really can't remember what caused it to happen in my models. I don't know of a way to fix it really. I just started my work over on my stuff since alls I changed model-wise was small edits and I'm mostly about animations and just need the skeleton to stay intact.

07-28-2003, 12:13 PM
Happened to me once, I just copied the same face on the other side of the model, re-shaped it so it fit in the hole, regrouped it, done.

Lt. Firmalo
07-28-2003, 12:24 PM
I'm not much of a modeling expert and besides, my unused milkshape already expired.....John Doe, you seem to be the only person online right now so could I send it to you? :)

07-29-2003, 08:10 AM

all I need is the .smd for the body (light_body.smd, med_body.smd or whatever) and the texture .bmp

...or just send me the whole model

Lt. Firmalo
07-29-2003, 03:39 PM
I only know how to decompile models through milkshape but I'm afraid mine's expired. The model would be too big to send through e-mail (2.3 mb) so could I send it to you via MSN, yahoo or ICQ? :)

07-29-2003, 07:47 PM
sure, icq # 69763797

its 9:45pm where i am, i'll leave it on all day tomorrow

Lt. Firmalo
07-30-2003, 06:12 AM
I already added you to my contact list but you're not online right now. Perhaps some other time :)

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