MREQ: The Sand Pebbles

06-27-2003, 04:18 AM
After I get through with my Victory Sound pack is make a Sand Pebbles sound pack to go with it. However, I'm gonna need the models to go along with it. So if anyone can, PM me if you'll model these. Remember, the weapons are from 1926.
The uniform of the machinegunner on the right
Weapon: Unscoped Springfield(yes, I realize it has 8 bullets and is semiautomatic, but it'll be similar to the Enfields and Mosin Nagants that replaced the Garand in the beta days.

Staff Sergeant:
The NCO on the right
Weapon: Same as above

The CPO in the middle, without the SP armband
Weapon: Thompson M1928 Box Clip SMG
Yes, it will fire slow, but the 20s Navy didn't have much else

Master Sergeant:
Same as above
Weapon: Same as above

Support Infantry:
The Seaman on the right
Weapon: M1918A2 BAR
Just a model change really

The Bilge Mechanic on the far right
Weapon: Springfield w/ Ironsights
Same thing as the Garand model, but the ironsights are flipped up and can be aimed through secondary.

The Bugler on the far left
Weapon: .30 Lewis, as seen here

06-27-2003, 03:52 PM
what the hell, what kind of gun is that?

GL it will be cool

06-27-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by allstareject
what the hell, what kind of gun is that?

GL it will be cool

You mean the lewis?

06-27-2003, 06:08 PM
Am I the only one who finds navy uniforms to look incredibly silly?

06-28-2003, 10:01 AM
no wren. i agree. im sure some people will like it, and it will turn out good, but i wont use. they look yucky.

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