Where Eagles Dare

06-22-2003, 11:16 AM
This was on the telly the other night and reminded me of a map I used to love on 3.1 - dod_festung. Allies had to escape in the cable car and axis had to stop them, there was lots of cool stuff like grenade pickups and ropes that could be cut (with a shovel haha). I guess what I'm saying is... bring back dod_festung in 1.0!!!!!!!!!

06-22-2003, 12:33 PM
I never played that map :(

where eagles dare? a great Iron Maiden song!

06-22-2003, 12:48 PM
A great map and great film too...always confused me as a kid though, I was never sure whose side Richard Burton was on! I was with Clint Eastwood on that one I think.

06-22-2003, 01:42 PM
Good map agreed, but Festung is closer to a certain RTCW level than anything else.

Mr. Binary

06-22-2003, 02:02 PM
NO its definately closer to the Schloss Adler castle in Where Eagles Dare. Some parts of the map are identical to that in the film, most noticably the part where the cable car is.
I only played the map once, just b4 v1.0 came out and i really loved it. Superb teamwork is whats needed in that map and it was there.
Someone must convert it to 1.0 so we can all join in the fun. :)
If dod_bierville was combined with dod_festung, it would be like having the whole film cus bierville is like the snowy town at the bottom of the castle, with all the bars and houses. Someone should do that also.

06-22-2003, 02:40 PM
I was never sure whose side Richard Burton was on! I was with Clint Eastwood on that one I think.

That's easy.

Clint Eastwood: Dumb schmuck who just needs to be told who to shoot and he'll be OK.

Richard Burton: Clever dick who knows someone needs to be shot but isn't quite sure who so will pretend he's really a guy who should be shot to find out from other guys who should be shot who the guy is who really does need to be shot. When he's got that sorted out he'll get Clint to shoot some guys because Clint good at that bit.

See, easy.

06-22-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Mr.Binary
Good map agreed, but Festung is closer to a certain RTCW level than anything else.

Mr. Binary
The map dod_festung is older then RTCW :D

So RTCW is a lot closer, via Festung, to DoD than anything else :p

06-22-2003, 03:46 PM
I remember Festung, I suggest it be an official map. BRING BACK FESTUNG!

06-22-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Morph
This was on the telly the other night and reminded me of a map I used to love on 3.1 - dod_festung. Allies had to escape in the cable car and axis had to stop them, there was lots of cool stuff like grenade pickups and ropes that could be cut (with a shovel haha). I guess what I'm saying is... bring back dod_festung in 1.0!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't festung based off RTCW?

06-22-2003, 04:32 PM
Festung was a great map! its architecturally brushwork was like RTCW - but it didnt stop it from being a great map!

Bit of useless info:

Richard Burton was born in the Neath Valley, south wales (uk)
Anthony Hopkins was born litterally few miles away in port talbort, my family is from the next village, and if you ever visit the area you'll you that Mr Burton was born there cause of the sign that says so (duh! :p) Its got a great picture-esque view in the area, the village is at the base of a railway viaduct (sp?) and a lovely river runs underneath alongside the village road with forrests on either side of the valley.

I was up the area the other day under the bridge just chillin out - some place I always go for a bit of peace with my girlfriend away from city life and computers........

06-22-2003, 10:57 PM
festung = very good map
escape from festung (chaosfilms movie) = very good use of a very good map :D

06-23-2003, 02:35 PM
Festung was very cool. Then only thing i wished was possible was if the allied only started with a knife. That way they would have to pick up what they could find. The map was full of weapon pickups... If that was possible festung would be ALOT cooler.

06-23-2003, 03:07 PM
Allies might be able to start with just a knife, using similar techniques used by mappers for KA counter strike maps??

Festung is definitely very RTCW- much like a combination of Tram and Escape.

Festung is great fun, but it only has average graphics... some decent new textures should sort that out. By the way- 3.1 festung works with 1.0. If u kept all ur old DOD models/sprites all old maps should work fine.

Ginger Lord
06-23-2003, 03:13 PM


Objective: Grab some women from the castle, escort them onto cable cars and have fun in town.



06-23-2003, 03:15 PM
Never seen bierville... sounds like cs_ type gameplay.

06-24-2003, 05:05 AM
I LOVE FESTUNG!!! I reckon it's the best map out there but DAMNIT!! It doesn't work with my v1!!

06-24-2003, 11:58 AM
true, i wish the author would remake the map 4 1.0 ;)

06-24-2003, 03:42 PM
Yes, please remavke festung!

But make allies start with only a knife!

06-24-2003, 06:28 PM
I reckon that would be great and you have to find the weapons. But then you would have to make the cable cars come along less often as it is already hard for the allies to win.

06-25-2003, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by Pinhead
Yes, please remavke festung!

But make allies start with only a knife!

If all of them have knives they could be easily spawn camped to oblivion. If I remember correctly, there was a dead untertoffizier in the cell. So I'd suggest making it that there's only one mp40 by his body, spawning every 20 seconds. So the first Ally that spawns would get it, and then he'd have to kill someone so that his teammates pick up guns and move up. That would increase teamplay and make the map more fun.

Oh, and the map should restart when someone escapes :)

06-25-2003, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by CptMuppet
Never seen bierville... sounds like cs_ type gameplay.
Hmm thats odd since that map has been around for ages and has been released in 6 different versions (check my sig)

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