Models, Skins, and Animations

Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15

  1. [SprREL] *FIVE* BF1942-like HUDs! (30 replies)
  2. [SREL] Game-shortcut Icons (11 replies)
  3. cool idea (16 replies)
  4. SprREL: Custom ammo sprites, version 2 (8 replies)
  5. Icons (9 replies)
  6. Canadian skins/ models (4 replies)
  7. Photoshop Faces (6 replies)
  8. PhotoShop argh! (9 replies)
  9. [skinwip]axis dot camo v2 (9 replies)
  10. [MWIP]Thundershield (2nd draft) (6 replies)
  11. [MREL] British Webley mk. 4 High Resolution Reskin. (32 replies)
  12. SprREQ: MoH:AA Ammo sprites (8 replies)
  13. Old crosshair (3 replies)
  14. Missing shell casings (1 replies)
  15. |MREL| - Jagd Tank Slaughtered Soldier Hackjob (21 replies)
  16. Render Tool? (0 replies)
  17. [REQ]Crosshair circle (3 replies)
  18. Where can I get the "updated" "mdldec"??? (15 replies)
  19. [SprWIP] BF1942-like HUD (8 replies)
  20. [REQ] Anyone have this spade model? (PIC) (8 replies)
  21. MREQ - American Flag Sprite (5 replies)
  22. Volksgrenadier Preview (20 replies)
  23. Face Question (2 replies)
  24. X-hairs (5 replies)
  25. [M-Rel] Bittles HandFed MG and w_BAR (5 replies)
  26. [MREQ] Shouldered Devin Bar (2 replies)
  27. REQ-Shoulder Bar (0 replies)
  28. hmm, problem/question (4 replies)
  29. African American hackjob.... (159 replies)
  30. [REL]Weasel's 12th-SS Panzer Divison Pack (14 replies)
  31. Submodels in QSB? (0 replies)
  32. to any good animators... (2 replies)
  33. My site. New host. Easier Navigation. (5 replies)
  34. webley revolver idea (11 replies)
  35. Question about jackboots and rolled up sleeves. (4 replies)
  36. Req: Explosion sprites (1 replies)
  37. [SREQ] Right-angled crosshair (4 replies)
  38. [MREQ] Glimpsharp's old old garand (8 replies)
  39. sprite/model/skin To-Do List (2 replies)
  40. question (2 replies)
  41. [MWIP] Thundershield (5 replies)
  42. [SprRE-REL] Ikujinonai's Ammo Sprites Again! (12 replies)
  43. [Mreq] Jagd tank with commanders? (18 replies)
  44. [Mrel]RO Luger With 1.0 Arms & HP P&W (13 replies)
  45. Need some low poly skins for crap computer (1 replies)
  46. [MREL] A few things I've done lately... (3 replies)
  47. Help!!! (9 replies)
  48. Adding sleeves to player models (3 replies)
  49. Newest sand particle sprite release. (20 replies)
  50. [MREL] Ls3, P-Witty's Tripod .30 cal (64 replies)
  51. MREL US WWII Marine Camo (16 replies)
  52. [MREL] Enfield Reskin With Hi-Res Wood (33 replies)
  53. .....soon?..... (2 replies)
  54. Axis Camouflage Request (9 replies)
  55. old stuff (2 replies)
  56. REQ face person (5 replies)
  57. [Mreq] NightHawks MG42 (1 replies)
  58. Custom DoD Sprays (3 replies)
  59. [mrel] -=higher poly 88 flak=- (17 replies)
  60. SREQ- Pick up where he left off... (1 replies)
  61. [mrel] -=JAJA sticknade=- (8 replies)
  62. [MREL] Documents hack job (12 replies)
  63. [MWIP] Caen Tank hack job (137 replies)
  64. [mrel] -=JAJA Tommy=- (24 replies)
  65. Can someone convert the 3.1 Stg-44 to 1.0 plz (2 replies)
  66. 3.1b player mdls to 1.0? (0 replies)
  67. Document hackjob (11 replies)
  68. [MREL] Default Tommy Reskin w/ Darker Metal & New Wood (11 replies)
  69. [MWIP]Mills Grenade (1 replies)
  70. default Axis para reskin (16 replies)
  71. Error Hl model viewer (5 replies)
  72. [WIP] BoB reskin (16 replies)
  73. Question [photoshop] (14 replies)
  74. Studiomdl question. (6 replies)
  75. [MREL]High Poly MP41 Hack Job (16 replies)
  76. [Mrel] Brit-Us Dirty Faces (32 replies)
  77. [rel] -=crouch/aim sequence qc=- (36 replies)
  78. Puffy smoke (1 replies)
  79. [MREL] Shoulder Thompson Reskin (12 replies)
  80. [SprREL] Realistic (I suppose) Ammo Sprites! (45 replies)
  81. Texture not going to transparnet! (9 replies)
  82. Adobe Photoshop Question (4 replies)
  83. [MREQ] Kar98 and Enfield without Bayonets (11 replies)
  84. Fileplanet: Those Opinions You Have. (47 replies)
  85. SS v_ models (12 replies)
  86. To plaskon 78... (5 replies)
  87. REQ: 3.1 Console Splash Screen (0 replies)
  88. We Need an Animator (18 replies)
  89. Smoke Sprite Questions .. plz help (4 replies)
  90. Jin-Roh Skins? (6 replies)
  91. [MWIP] SS cuffs (23 replies)
  92. [REL] SPR style Axis scope sprite (23 replies)
  93. Minimap Icon Editing Question.... (0 replies)
  94. [REL] Kar98 scope (7 replies)
  95. REL :: Hitler Console, kar, and blood.spr (7 replies)
  96. Mreq (0 replies)
  97. [MRel]K43 reskin (15 replies)
  98. [WIP]Kar43 reskinn (1 replies)
  99. [MREL] Tan Wood K43 (8 replies)
  100. Glimsharp/Xrell's Website? (1 replies)
  101. [REL] Springfield scope sprite (21 replies)
  102. |REL| Squirty Blood in two flavours. (15 replies)
  103. the spec crosshairs (0 replies)
  104. No bipod on undeployed BAR yet? (8 replies)
  105. TREL: MaRzY's 576x256 worn torn axis textures (6 replies)
  106. mreQ- 3.1 garand coverted to 1.0 (1 replies)
  107. [MREQ] SMLE Mk. III (1 replies)
  108. Flag Request For Devin Kryss (4 replies)
  109. [SREQ] Lil Green Xhair (1 replies)
  110. [REQ]panzerfaust for panzerschreck (1 replies)
  111. [REL]Enfield Scope Sprite (18 replies)
  112. MREQ Silenced MP40 (3 replies)
  113. [SREQ] can anyone convert this 3.1 crosshair to 1.0? (0 replies)
  114. PLayer Models? (15 replies)
  115. WiP US Marines Camo. (19 replies)
  116. {MREQ] Stg44 reskin? (1 replies)
  117. [MREL] Devin Kryss STG44 HAckjob (40 replies)
  118. [Sreq]crosshair convert (13 replies)
  119. Any new explosion sprites? (1 replies)
  120. my custom SS sleeveskin (16 replies)
  121. [MREL] BoB reskin for para (9 replies)
  122. Mrel-High Contrast Player Pack (11 replies)
  123. [MWIP] British Airborne for 1.0 (47 replies)
  124. Install Modelskins? (6 replies)
  125. Flag Icons (6 replies)
  126. [WIP] Enfield scope -UPDATE- (2 replies)
  127. question about a retail picture.... (2 replies)
  128. [SREQ]Blood Puff (2 replies)
  129. HLMV question (6 replies)
  130. 5thRangers Skins (1 replies)
  131. Convert these Models (2 replies)
  132. SREL - splash pack (42 replies)
  133. Stupid Question... (8 replies)
  134. Away to fix the clipping errors near the buttstock on some models (11 replies)
  135. Any Info about this reskin plz (2 replies)
  136. [WIP] Svt-40 (9 replies)
  137. [mrel] luftwaffe feld divisionen v2 (8 replies)
  138. cl_bobcycle (6 replies)
  139. [MREQ] Shouldered BAR/Colt/FG42 (0 replies)
  140. Mrel 1911 (33 replies)
  141. [MREL] Who need more ammo? (17 replies)
  142. Sprite Preview: Sprite Pack for JAHJAH's weapon pack (PIC) (20 replies)
  143. Sniping crosshair? (0 replies)
  144. help with model transparency (again) (5 replies)
  145. Where is Glimsharp? (16 replies)
  146. MREQ: M1 conversion (10 replies)
  147. [MREQ]Mauser Pistol (18 replies)
  148. Attention- Devin and Russ (4 replies)
  149. Calling All Designers (4 replies)
  150. help with flags (13 replies)
  151. [MREL] British Ammo (13 replies)
  152. Request: Estonian flag (7 replies)
  153. Us airbornes ?? (0 replies)
  154. [mReq] Silenced Weapons (7 replies)
  155. MWiP Trigger's Airborne Pilots (10 replies)
  156. [MREL] K98 & Scoped K98Reskin (20 replies)
  157. MREQ: Hand-fed MG34 (3 replies)
  158. |S/M ReQ| **Canadian Flags and Icons** (7 replies)
  159. REQ: Wastikas on kraut helmets (3 replies)
  160. Re-origin Question. (5 replies)
  161. [Mwip]Springfield (4 replies)
  162. MREL: K98 Reskin (15 replies)
  163. That stupid spectator crosshair! (7 replies)
  164. luftwaffe feld divisionen reskin (16 replies)
  165. Mreq- 1928A1 Thompson (6 replies)
  166. B1 models and other strange stuff in your v1 models folder (3 replies)
  167. Axis with gaiters preview (20 replies)
  168. MREQ: Left Handed Models! (7 replies)
  169. [req] stg44 (4 replies)
  170. [MREL] AJjer62nd's FG42 Reskin (25 replies)
  171. [MREL] Shouldered Garand (5 replies)
  172. Where have you gone... (1 replies)
  173. [mrel] -=the JAJA p and w model pack=- (58 replies)
  174. Help with submodels (0 replies)
  175. [MREL] 82nd airborne V2 (56 replies)
  176. [MWiP] Hacked Map Model Pack (10 replies)
  177. Devin Kryss - SS v4 (55 replies)
  178. [spr:rel] Green Crosshair (4 replies)
  179. Release: Crawfords p/w spring models (0 replies)
  180. request: GreaseGun Model (0 replies)
  181. Release: V2 of black bar with altered wood. (0 replies)
  182. Release: Tommy reskin dark metal and new wood (14 replies)
  183. Release: FJ for normal axis (1 replies)
  184. third person view (13 replies)
  185. Model Request.. (4 replies)
  186. [REL] Scot Pack woohoo :) (34 replies)
  187. |REL| New Flag Pack (2 replies)
  188. [SkinQ] How to get the blue transparent again after reskin? (2 replies)
  189. MREQ: Can someone convert my reskinned carbines from 3.1? Please! (4 replies)
  190. REQ - Rusty's Scoped Enfield (5 replies)
  191. [WIP] 12th SS Edition V1 (2 replies)
  192. re-origins help (2 replies)
  193. Just a small work ..... (1 replies)
  194. Attention Vandori! (11 replies)
  195. SREL: MiniMap Player & Camera Icons v2.0 updated (16 replies)
  196. [MWIP] Enfield preview (3 replies)
  197. [MREL] Snow camoflaged flak 88 (11 replies)
  198. Canuck (3 replies)
  199. [WIP] Enfield skin-conversion (6 replies)
  200. Flag Models (13 replies)
  201. Mrel Map Model: Flak88 Recolor (18 replies)
  202. [REL!] luftwaffe feld divisionen (17 replies)
  203. Finished: FJs for normal axis (20 replies)
  204. tehehe (37 replies)
  205. [rel]Axis faces (16 replies)
  206. [MWIP] War Torn Axis (3 replies)
  207. AREQ IronSighted RPGs (10 replies)
  208. Request: Panserfaust (17 replies)
  209. How to Install Huds (0 replies)
  210. MREL - Italian Army of the South (16 replies)
  211. whats up with the GIBS (1 replies)
  212. Help? (4 replies)
  213. What Happend to the Official Canadian Skin Pack? (2 replies)
  214. [MREL] Heer Recolor to Green w/ Proper Helmet Insignia (8 replies)
  215. Sorry to anyone..... (5 replies)
  216. [mreq]---> Personal favourite! (1 replies)
  217. [MREL] Blueshift grenade (13 replies)
  218. [REL] Some nice stuff.... (28 replies)
  219. the symbols on the axis helmet? (10 replies)
  220. Some skin help with default K98 Model (6 replies)
  221. [prev] luftwaffe feld divisionen (10 replies)
  222. . . . Soon . . . (51 replies)
  223. Console Picture Bigger? (10 replies)
  224. [WIP] Bren (2 replies)
  225. Tommy Sway (7 replies)
  226. MREL: Whiskas' New and Improved MP40 (107 replies)
  227. [REQ] Russians for Brits (look pls) (75 replies)
  228. MWIP - dod 1968 (46 replies)
  229. [MREL]M1 Garand Reorigin (37 replies)
  230. us- reskin (6 replies)
  231. MREQ - High-res Piat, Bazook and Panzershrek Skins (0 replies)
  232. [mreq] - Airborne! (2 replies)
  233. mrel - helmet with heer camo cover yay (7 replies)
  234. map icons (3 replies)
  235. 5th Ranger Skins. (1 replies)
  236. MWIP - Italian Brithish ReSkin (10 replies)
  237. MREQ- Thompson with correct rear sight (15 replies)
  238. [M-REF] German uniforms (0 replies)
  239. A little problem with model transparency (7 replies)
  240. [REQ]WWII british war pics (4 replies)
  241. Mercatorn's BoB skin pack (24 replies)
  242. Wavelength HL Resources reopens (2 replies)
  243. how do I reskin the sleeves?? (4 replies)
  244. MREL - War Torn Scoped Enfield (8 replies)
  245. Sprites (3 replies)
  246. [MREL] M1 Garand Reskin (9 replies)
  247. [REL]mp-40 reskin (14 replies)
  248. we need rocket gibs! (3 replies)
  249. gib (1 replies)
  250. [mwip] Retouched skin pack-"spielberg look" (44 replies)
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.